Annoying People at the Airport

As someone who’s spent absolutely ridiculous amounts of time flying, my tolerance level for annoying people at the airport has gotten pretty low throughout the years. It just baffles me how sometimes people haven’t got the slightest idea how to NOT cause 327 other passengers to wait for them at passport control cause they’ve forgotten their ID at home. And don’t get me wrong, I’m usually the happiest person in the world when I have to go to the airport as a passenger cause I know that means I’m flying to the next adventure, so it’s definitely not like I start my day just hating everyone and wanting to get an excuse to be annoyed. Nope, I’m the literal embodiment of happiness, sunshine and unicorn farts but some people just make me seriously question my good hippie flower child nature. Let me introduce you to the types of annoying people at the airport:

The ones who bring EVERYTHING they own with them

Ok I understand, sometimes everyone wants to feel like they’re at home when they’re going away for a while somewhere else, so they pack for example a pillow case or a favourite bathrobe, I get that. But some of them go all out and straight up take blankets, canned foods, spices, books, their lucky coffee mug, their irreplaceable blender for breakfast smoothies and the framed picture of their beloved hamster. One time I was with some airport security employees in one of the rooms where all the checked luggage gets scanned and oh boy, the things I saw in the span of about just 20 minutes! Coat hangers, stuffed toys, plants(yes) and whatever else you can imagine. Of course I’m not referring to the people who are ACTUALLY moving to another country and need to fly with some of those items but trust me, I’ve seen people who’re going on a week vacation to a fancy resort do it.

The ones who don’t read the small print

We’ve all witnessed this at least once at the airport: we’re patiently waiting to drop off our suitcase when the person in front starts yelling at the check-in agent because their luggage is too heavy and they need to pay extra. Different airlines in different countries have different standards when it comes to checked and carry-on luggage and no one but the passenger is responsible to research and read what the fine print states before buying their ticket. With so many low-cost airlines in Europe, numerous people click on the lowest fares and only after making a purchase do they realise that they will only be allowed carry-on. Or even worse, they find that out at the check-in desk. And don’t even get me started on those individuals who open their suitcases there and start rearranging their content in order to make one of them lighter. 

The ones who overaccessorise

I’ve covered this before in my article about “How to be an Annoying Tourist” but it definitely deserves a place in this one as well. I pray for the day when people will FINALLY realise that the airport is NOT the ideal place to cover yourself in metal head to toe. I’ve seen girls taking like 10 minutes to go through security cause they need to literally take off their high boots, all of their bracelets, rings, belts, hair crowns, and whatever else they decided to accessorise with on that particular day. If you’re one of those people please do everyone (and yourself) a favour and just don’t wear THAT many unnecessary items on your body at the airport. Simple as that, ha!?

The ones who come with more suitcases they can carry by themselves

You know, I have a simple rule and it states: no one is responsible for my luggage other than me. I shouldn’t be asking anyone else to carry it or push it for me, I shouldn’t expect anyone to help me pick it up or move it or keep an eye on it. If you can’t handle everything you’ve brought with yourself then DON’T PACK SO MUCH NEXT TIME (or go to the gym and do some heavy lifting before your next trip lol).  

The ones that somehow forget their passport/ID

Ok tell me, when you left your house this morning did you not know you were going to the airport? Cause that would be the only acceptable excuse for not bringing your ID with you. I know sometimes you’re late and you have to be fast and leave immediately and blablabla but there are literally just two things without which you can’t take off and these are your ticket and your passport/ID. I mean these are the items that you have to make sure you’ve taken with you and check like at least 4 times before you leave. I’m not sure how things work in other parts of the world but I’m pretty sure you always need those two things to fly.

The ones who absolutely need to be first when the gate opens

Usually people with disabilities and families with children are supposed to have priority boarding. Not according to some people who just glue themselves to the gate like they’re preparing to set camp in front of it and guard their position with their lives. Honestly I don’t get this at all, if you’ve already made it through drop off, security and passport and ticket control, you WILL board the plane! Why do you need to be the first one to do it, if you already have an assigned seat, is incomprehensible to me. 

The ones who don’t know the general airport rules that everyone else knows

Like leaving your bag unattended, yelling something about terrorism, bringing illegal substances with you, not knowing how transporting liquids in the carry-on baggage works or being perplexed when finding out you need to take your electronics out of your bag at security. Those people. 

And it seems like this concludes my list of types of annoying people at the airport. Of course it’s all meant to be humorous so don’t take it too seriously cause I’ve definitely been guilty of doing a few of those irritating things I’m so passionately hating here. 

Share this article around so we can see less and less annoying passengers at the airport! 


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