travel tips

the Most “instagrammable” places in Vienna
Marie G Marie G

the Most “instagrammable” places in Vienna

I’ve been fortunate enough to call Vienna “home” for quite a few years so let me share with you my most favourite “instagrammable” places here. The locations vary from “everyone knows this spot” to “hm, I never knew that place even existed”…

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How to be an annoying tourist
Marie G Marie G

How to be an annoying tourist

Oh come on, we’ve all done it – we’ve all been mildly annoyed by all the people who look like they’re auditioning for the Power Rangers in front of the Leaning Tower of Pisa…

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Planning a trip to Bulgaria: What you should know
Marie G Marie G

Planning a trip to Bulgaria: What you should know

Is it really that hard to get around as a tourist? Will taxi drivers really scam me? Hell, should I bring pepper spray?! Planning a trip to Bulgaria could be a bit challenging, as there are so many different polarising opinions about the country…

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How to Piss Off an Austrian in 7 Easy Steps
Marie G Marie G

How to Piss Off an Austrian in 7 Easy Steps

Ok so I’ve lived in Austria since 2012 and I’ve noticed quite a few things that can piss off an Austrian person and make their blood pressure rise. If you want to be well-received as a visitor or you plan on moving to the country, do not, I repeat, DO NOT say or do any of the following things…

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Why you should book your trip to Krakow Asap
Marie G Marie G

Why you should book your trip to Krakow Asap

You should book a trip to Krakow NOW! I mean ASAP! Why, you may ask? Krakow is one of those utterly charming little towns that looks like a completely different place when you go sightseeing during the day and when you end up in a club at 4am a few hours later…

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